Kal Kal Group. It is an industrial organization leading the economic revolution for building a healthy-prosperous nation. Nationality is our basic identity and the spirit of collective cooperation is our priceless capital. This organization has been established to become the center of trust of all Nepalese by bringing economic awakening through entrepreneurship by producing and marketing natural health-enhancing materials with the participation of people of all classes.
“The health and satisfaction of the consumer is the source of our energy.” Keeping the physical and mental health of the customer as the first priority, our basic objective is to produce and distribute the material. At present, Private Limited, this organization has taken the huge goal of developing the organization from a public limited to a multinational company by protecting everyone’s right to be prosperous and unifying the collective power.
- There is no alternative to operate a large number of industrial factories to reduce the country’s trade deficit by reducing imports and increasing exports, accepting this fact Kal Kal Group. will create great employment opportunities by investing indigenous capital, labor, skills and equipment in the country for self-reliance.
- Having produced and distributed natural products such as mustard oil, castor oil, herbal soap, this organization has taken a firm determination to continuously produce health enhancing products and bring them to the consumers.